Thursday 4/18/18

I'm posting extremely late today. My Card of the Day was: The Tower. I always kind of gasp when I see this card. My first thought was "the powder keg is going to blow today while I am standing in it". That's a really negative response....& you must remember...the cards are neither. Neither negative nor positive. Their meanings & interpretations vary based on direction...& on association....They are mere signposts. Suggestions. Abstract Thoughts. When I stepped back & gave it a bit more thought, I realized the Tower was right on. It is a card of Great Change & Chaos. & generally Hard Change. Today I left behind a job that I thought I would be at for a very long time. It did not work out that way; I left after only 2 years. Recent events makes me believe this is the right choice for me, & I have an exciting new job opportunity beginning soon. I am writing a new chapter. First however, we must leave behind our ideals, the old job, the friends we made. It's a big change. It's a difficult change. The Tower speaks of hard & dramatic changes...the life changers. For me--it's about jumping ship, shedding my old skin, tossing some baggage & moving forward.


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