Sunday 513/18

Sorry I haven't been around for a few days. I've still been doing my daily card pulls, just haven't written about them. Today I pulled 2 cards-Death from the Rider-Waite, & the 4 of wands from the Shadowscape deck. Death being Change, Transformation, the closing of one door & opening of another...I feel that this isn't necessarily a NEW change...I think it's still the SAME one i have been dealing with the last few weeks. New job. Adaptation. I've been struggling to find my "new normal". I 've been working hard toward finding it though. Perhaps I'll find the closure I need to let go of what weighs me down & fully embrace this positive new path? The 4 of wands suggests that I will. Embrace these positive new things in your life. Celebrate them. Just remember to keep working for it...embrace the fire. Don't let it burn out...


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