Thursday 5/17/18

Today's Card is:The Ace of Wands. Yesterday's card--The Ace of Pentacles. Aces generally represent new beginnings & fresh opportunities--but like anything else--it doesnt just happen. You must pursue these paths & put in the work. Wands generally represent passion, creativity, fire & imagination. Pentacles are earthly & material matters. Getting them back to back really makes me feel like I m FINALLY on the right track & pursuing the right thing for ME. I am about a month into my new job--& I absolutely LOVE IT. i am learning very quickly, & yesterday I really started to feel like I was getting into my rhythm & routine there. In turn--the Ace of Wands also feels very right on the nose, because in finding the right career path for myself, I am also rediscovering & reconnecting with myself--mentally, spiritually & creatively. My skin fits comfortably these days--& I haven't had a panic attack or a manic episode in almost a month!Not only am I feeling more Me--I am actually feeling the absence of anxiety for the first time in...forever. I CAN BREATHE & IT IS AMAZING. Nothing is perfect...but my gods do I feel like a new person.


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