Sunday 6/24/18

Today's cards are the 8 of Cups, & the Wheel. The 8 of cups is a card of letting go & moving on, & of taking space to seek within. It is a Spirit Quest, & letting go of that which drains you. I have been extremely drained lately. I have been working alot, & even after 2 months the schedule shift takes alot out of me...& I have an Anxiety Disorder. I have certain worries...that when I try to put them to rest--they simply dig in deeper & have more sinister effects. They have been causing some physical ailments as of late, so I 'm really trying to re-center, re-calibrate, & stop focusing on that which gnaws on me. Time to let it go--we don't need it anymore. The Wheel is a card of Change & Adaptation. It doesn't need much explanation. It often brings with it a shift in fortune. As this card in particular is FULL of animal spirits--it is a time to really pay attention to the Creatures around me...& the ask my Animal Totems for guidance.


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