Wednesday 6/6/18

Today's card(s)--I have been pulling 2 lately for a little more clarity...I like to see how they work in tandem together, so I have been pulling one from a rider waite deck, the other from a Shadowscapes deck. Today's cards are The Sun & the 10 of Cups. The Sun is a card of light, personal growth, self acceptance & clarity. The 10 of cups represents peace & emotional contentment. The last couple days the Anxiety Monster has been nipping at my heels, & I had a few moments at work when things were overwhelming. Everything became too loud & I had a minor panic attack. I opened up to a couple people about what was going on, made a new friend who struggles with similar demons, am armed with some new coping tools & strategies, & I accomplished some tasks yesterday I had been procrastinating. So today, I am actually feeling pretty good. I am off tomorrow, my head is clear, & I am ready to face the day.


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