Wodensday 10/3/18
I've been absent here for a little while. I have still been pulling cards daily--I have just been too busy with work or too tired to write. I am back now, so lets get right to it. Today's card is : Justice. Thisis THE ultimate card of Balance. Everything about the image is completely symmetrical. I have been on a Spirit Quest for awhile now--& the ultimate goal has always been to find my balance. Find my center. Choose who I want to be & work towards it. Manage my anxieties, learn to control & harness them. Learn to be a part of the world, but not let the chaos spin me out of control. Find my zen. I work on these things daily: my morning routine involves yoga, meditation , journaling. I have become a much more even person, & I no longer need meds & therapist visits to regulate.
Been trying to channel my inner Mr. Miyagi.
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